Science – Based App Development

 Available on the Apple App Store


     PiSwift – This app uses the Monte Carlo method to calculate the value of pi.

     Atmospheric Model – This app uses a simple two-layer radiative transfer model to calculate planetary temperatures and radiative flux densities that affect climate.

    Critters1 Biodiversity – In this app you attempt to keep predators and prey species in dynamic equilibrium.

  dicetest2 – Experiment & generate many passphrase candidates.

   Stratsheet – Plan your retirement.


The above apps do not collect any user data.


You can search for PiSwift on the Apple App Store using ‘PiSwift’ or combinations of the following keywords: Pi, Monte Carlo, simulation, method, math, mathematics, irrational, number, circle, radius. For ‘Atmospheric Model’ the keywords are: planet, sun, orbit, atmosphere, climate, radiation, albedo, emission, absorption, temperature, flux. For ‘Critters1 Biodiversity’ the keywords are: biome, biodiversity, predator, prey, chase, evade, dynamic, equilibrium, game, education.For dicetest2 the keywords are: Diceware, password, passphrase, passcode, dice, random number, probability, key-value dictionary.

NOTE: Do not search e.g. only on ‘pi’ as the PiSwift app will be lost in a sea of hundreds of hits, a large number of which will have little to do with the mathematical concept of pi. Application-specific questions only: appsupport.